
Who should become a member of the World Chamber of Commerce?

World Chamber of Commerce members recognize the importance of reaching out to a dynamic, global business community, as a platform to establish international connections, for business expansion and profitable results.

Why become a member of the World Chamber of Commerce?

  • The WCC supports businesses to penetrate international markets, by developing international trade, educational, cultural and humanitarian initiatives. The WCC provides an innovative alternative to businesses looking for an option to outdated networking organizations.
  • The WCC initiatives provide synergy among high level government officials, leading business executives, and academic professionals creating dialogue, cooperation and therefore, opportunities and strategies on global economic development. This synergy expands relationships with local, federal and international government leaders/ civic and elected groups by increased bilateral business development.
  • Promoting WCC’s role through cooperation with United Nations, Embassies, Consular Corps of Georgia, Bi-National Chambers of Commerce, Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce, GDEcD, and others
  • Develop media relations plan for increasing the WCC’s message domestically and Internationally. Develop project inviting Media to become familiar with the WCC initiatives.
  • Promote and support Business, Cultural, Environmental and Educational initiatives. Develop educational project, Increasing communications with broader non‐member audience to increase understanding of WCC mission and initiatives
  • Develop strategy parameters to measure success, such as survey at events and online, including questions about events, new initiatives and support to businesses and organizations. The WCC compares results with previous surveys, feedback and makes necessary changes if needed.
    Increasing involvement of local and international dignitaries and executives to become WCC members. Create retention programs by special recognition of growing companies and major corporations

Membership Benefits

International Trade

By joining the World Chamber of Commerce, members benefit from participating in the trade process activities of international businesses.

This process stimulates international commerce for companies interested in doing business on a global basis.

Educational Projects

The World Chamber of Commerce builds international awareness for American and foreign business by fostering economic and cultural exchange as well as addressing humanitarian issues.

Members have access to mentor programs, networking and educational seminars.

International Networking

The World Chamber of Commerce provides networking opportunities and acts as a liaison between the United States and international business and organizations seeking to develop trade in markets around the world.

Members have opportunities to meet with foreign representatives of the Consular Corps, International Trade Commissioners and Agencies, and visiting dignitaries.

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